Publications by Topic

Dylan Proudfoot, Loran Brooks, Christopher H Gammons, Edwin Barth, Diana Bless, Raja M Nagisetty, Ellen G Lauchnor. Investigating the potential for microbially induced carbonate precipitation to treat mine waste. Journal of Hazardous Material, 2022, 424.

Nagisetty, R. M., Autenrieth, D. A., Storey, S. R., Macgregor, W. B., Brooks, L. C. 2020.  Environmental Health Perceptions in a superfund community. Journal of Environmental Management. 261, 110151, ; Impact factor 4.86.

Conrad, P., R. Sweigard, K. Hunt, D. Graves, C. Barton, and V. Badaker, “Long-Term Changes in Selected Spoil Characteristics on Reforested Surface-Mined Land”, Transactions 2008, Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc., Littleton, CO, 2008, pp. 75-80.

Bullock, 2021. Effectiveness, Environmental Pathways and Operational Readiness of OP-40 Chemical Herder when used in Conjunction with In-situ Burning for Oil Spill Response in the Offshore Arctic. University of Alaska-Fairbanks. ProQuest Publishing.

Bullock, R, R. Perkins and S. Aggarwal, 2019. In-situ Burning with Chemical Herders for Arctic Oil Spill Response: Meta-analysis and Review. Science of the Total Environment, 20 July 2019, Vol.675, pp.705-716

Bullock, R, S. Aggarwal, R. Perkins and W. Schnabel, 2017. Scale-up Considerations for Herder Assisted In-situ Burn Crude Oil Spill Response Experiments in the Arctic: Laboratory to Field-scale Investigations. Journal of Environmental Management, 190 (2017) 266-273.

Aggarwal, S., W. Schnabel, I. Buist, J. Garron, R. Bullock, R. Perkins, S. Potter and D. Cooper, 2017. Aerial Application of Herding Agents to Advance In-situ Burning for Oil spill Response in the Arctic, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 135 (2017) 97-104.

Katelyn M. Lyons, Jerome P. Downey, Jannette L. Chorney, and Katie J. Schumacher, Selective Separation of Rare Earth Chlorides utilizing Vapor Phase Extraction, Rare Metal Technology 2017, The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society Series, TMS, 2017, pp. 55-63.

Carbothermal Reduction of Copper Smelter Slag for Recycling into Pig Iron and Glass, with P. Sarfo, G. Wyss, G. Ma and A. Das, Minerals Engineering, 107:8-19, 2017.

Teagan J. Leitzke, J. Downey, Richard M. LaDouceur, Daisy M. Margrave, Grant C. Wallace, and David L. Hutchins, Water Treatment Method for Removal of Select Heavy Metals and Nutrient Ions through Adsorption by Magnetite, ACS ES&T Water, 2022, ttps://

Rivera, A.M., Smith, J. M., Lucena, J.C., Bullock, R., Phelan, T.J., Smits, K.M., 2021. Making the most of virtual community engagement for international projects during the Covid-19 pandemic, Id 32673. Best Paper Award ASEE Annual Conference.

Askam, E., R Nagisetty, J. Crowley, A. Bobst, and G. Shaw (submitted). Satellite and sUAS multispectral remote sensing analysis of vegetation response to beaver mimicry retoration on Blacktail Creek, Southwest Montana. (submitted to Remote Sensing).

Bobst, A. L., R. A. Payn, and G. D. Shaw (2022) Groundwater-mediated influences of beaver-mimicry stream restoration: A modeling analysis. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association. DOI

Shaw, G. R. Cisneros, D. *Schweizer, J. Sickman, M. Fenn (2013) Critical loads of acid deposition for wilderness lakes in the Sierra Nevada (California) estimated by the steady state water chemistry model, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 225:1804.

Nagisetty, R.M., Macgregor, W. B., Hutchins, D., Autenrieth, D. A., Plant, M. A. Effects of Residential Environmental Screening and Perception Surveys on Superfund Environmental Health Risk Perceptions. International Journal of Environmental research and Public Health. 2022 Jul 2;19(13):8146

Yang, Z., Muhammad, B., Choi, J. Y., and Cohen, Y.* (2021) “Machine learning modeling of water use patterns in small disadvantaged communities”, Water 13 (16) 2321

Choi, J. Y., Lee, T., Aleidan, A., Rahardianto, A., Glickfeld, M., Kennedy, M., Chen, Y., Haase, P., Chen, C., and Cohen, Y.* (2019) “On the feasibility of small communities wellhead RO treatment for nitrate removal and salinity reduction”, Journal of Environmental Management 250, 109487

Bullock, R and R. Perkins, 2014. US Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Implementation – Failure Points and Alternatives Case Study Evaluation. Proceedings of Arctic Marine Oilspill Programme, Environment Canada, Calgary, Canada

Hydrometallurgical Recovery and Process Optimization of Rare Earth Fluorides from Recycled Magnets,” P. Sarfo, T. Frasz, A. Das, and C.A. Young, Minerals, 10(4) 340-353, 2020.

Application of Design for Recyclability Concept to SPL Treatment: SPLASH Technology, C. Young and J. Downey, in: REWAS 2008, TMS, Warrendale, PA, 2008.

Julie E. Muretta, Dario Prieto-Centurion, Richard LaDouceur, John D. Kirtley. Unique Chemistry and Structure of Pyrolyzed Bovine Bone for Enhanced Aqueous Metals Adsorption. Waste and Biomass Valorization. 2022 July.

Orubu, A., M. A. Khalil, B. Rutherford, G. Shaw, A. Gebril, and C. Carstarphen (2018) Geophysical investigation of dewatering in Lolo Creek, southwest Missoula, Montana, USA. Journal of Applied Geophysics. 155, 149-161.

Schweizer, D., R. Cisneros, S. Traina, T. A. Ghezzehei, and G. Shaw (2017) Using national ambient air quality standards for fine particulate matter to assess regional wildland fire smoke and air quality management. Journal of Environmental Management. 201, 345-356.

Nagisetty, R. M., Flynn, K., Uecker, D. 2019. Oxygen Modeling of Effluent-dominated Macrophyte-rich Upper Silver Bow Creek. Ecological Modeling, 393, 85-97, Journal Impact Factor: 2.7.

Amelia Stoner, Richard LaDouceur. Optimizing Mechanical and Adsorptive Behavior of Local Biomass Char-Bentonite Composites. NCUR 2022, NCUR, Virtual, 2022

Reyla Williams, Richard LaDouceur. The Effect of Amination on Hemp-Based Biochar. NCUR 2022, NCUR, Virtual, 2022

Cohen, Y.*, Choi, J. Y.*, Rahardianto, A. (2020) “Chapter 10: Water Reclamation, Remediation and Cleaner Production with Nanofiltration”, in: Schafer, A. I., Fane, A.G., Waite, (2nd Eds.), Nanofiltration: Principles, Applications, and New Materials, Wiley-VCH

Nagy, D.U., E.S.J. Rauschert, T. Henn, K. Cianfaglione, Sz. Stranczinger, and R. W. Pal. (2020): The more we do, the less we gain? Balancing effort and efficacy in managing the Solidago gigantea invasion? Weed Research DOI: 10.1111/wre.12417 

Osabutey A., Zodrow K., Marques P., Pal R.W. (2020): Amendments Activate Soil Seed Bank in Greenhouse Study, Indicating Potential for Improved Restoration OutcomesEcological Restoration 38(4):228-236. 

Rosche C., Hensen I., Schaar, A., Zhera U., Jasieniuk M., Callaway R., Khasa D., Al-Gharaibeh M., Lekberg Y., Nagy D., Pal R.W. et. al. (2019): Climate outweighs native vs. non-native range-effects for genetics and common garden performance of a cosmopolitan weed. Ecological Monographs 89(4): 

Liao H., Gurgel P.C.S., Pál R.W., Hooper D., Callaway R.M. (2016): Solidago gigantea plants from nonnative ranges compensate more in response to damage than plants from the native range. Ecology 97(9): 2355–2363. 

Liao H., Luo W., Pál R., Peng S., Callaway R.M. (2016): Context-dependency and the effects of species diversity on ecosystem function. Biological Invasions 18(10): 3063–3079. 

Nagy D.U., Henn T., Waller L.P, Pál R.W. (2016): How initial composition affects the later development? - A secondary successional study in differently managed agricultural sites. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 14(3): 281-295. 

Ledger K.J., Pal R.W.,·Murphy P.,·Nagy D.U., Filep R.,·Callaway R. M. (2015): Impact of an invader on species diversity is stronger in the non-native range than in the native range. Plant Ecology 1-11. 

Pal R.W., Mariano M.D., Capoccia S., Conrad P., Nagy, D.U.: Can mine reclamation with an exotic grass species precede successful restoration in intermountain grasslands? A case study with Agropyron cristatum. Ecological Restoration (Under Review) 

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If you have questions or ideas for collaboration, please reach out.

Dr. Robin Bullock
Interim Director of CERA